Will a Stray Cat Come Back If You Feed It? And Why Do They Always Sit on Your Keyboard When You're Busy?

Will a Stray Cat Come Back If You Feed It? And Why Do They Always Sit on Your Keyboard When You're Busy?

The relationship between humans and stray cats is as old as civilization itself. Stray cats, often seen wandering the streets, alleys, and parks, have a mysterious allure that draws people to them. One of the most common questions people ask is: Will a stray cat come back if you feed it? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think, and it opens up a fascinating discussion about feline behavior, human-animal interactions, and the peculiar habits of cats.

The Psychology of Stray Cats: Why They Might Return

Stray cats are creatures of habit and survival. When you feed a stray cat, you are essentially providing it with a reliable source of food, which is a basic necessity for survival. Cats are intelligent animals, and they quickly learn to associate certain locations or people with food. If you consistently feed a stray cat, it is likely to return to the same spot in search of more food. This behavior is rooted in their instinct to seek out resources that ensure their survival.

However, the likelihood of a stray cat returning also depends on its personality and past experiences. Some cats are more social and trusting, while others are more cautious and independent. A cat that has had positive interactions with humans in the past is more likely to return after being fed. On the other hand, a cat that has been mistreated or has had limited contact with humans may be more hesitant to come back, even if it appreciates the food.

The Role of Territory in a Stray Cat’s Life

Cats are territorial animals, and stray cats are no exception. A stray cat’s territory is its domain, where it hunts, sleeps, and interacts with other cats. When you feed a stray cat, you are essentially entering its territory. If the cat feels comfortable with your presence, it may start to view you as part of its territory and return regularly. However, if the cat feels threatened or senses danger, it may avoid the area altogether.

Territory also plays a role in how far a stray cat is willing to travel to return to a food source. Cats are known to have relatively small home ranges, especially in urban environments where resources are more concentrated. If you feed a stray cat within its established territory, it is more likely to return. However, if the food source is outside its usual range, the cat may not make the effort to come back.

The Impact of Human Interaction on Stray Cats

Human interaction can have a significant impact on whether a stray cat will return after being fed. Cats are sensitive to human behavior, and they can pick up on subtle cues such as tone of voice, body language, and even scent. If you approach a stray cat in a calm and gentle manner, it is more likely to feel safe and return for more food. Conversely, if you are loud, abrupt, or aggressive, the cat may associate you with danger and avoid you in the future.

Building trust with a stray cat takes time and patience. Consistent feeding, combined with gentle interaction, can help establish a bond between you and the cat. Over time, the cat may start to see you as a source of not only food but also comfort and security. This bond can increase the likelihood of the cat returning, especially if it feels that you are a reliable and non-threatening presence in its life.

The Peculiar Habit of Cats Sitting on Keyboards

Now, let’s address the second part of our title: Why do they always sit on your keyboard when you’re busy? This behavior is a classic example of feline curiosity and attention-seeking. Cats are naturally curious creatures, and they are drawn to objects that are new, interesting, or in use. When you are working on your computer, your keyboard becomes a focal point of activity, and your cat may see it as an opportunity to investigate or get your attention.

Additionally, cats are known for their love of warmth. Keyboards, especially those on laptops, emit heat, making them an attractive spot for a cat to lounge. By sitting on your keyboard, your cat is not only seeking warmth but also ensuring that it remains the center of your attention. This behavior is a reminder that, even in the digital age, cats have a way of asserting their presence and reminding us of their importance in our lives.

The Ethical Considerations of Feeding Stray Cats

While feeding stray cats can be a kind and compassionate act, it also raises ethical considerations. Stray cats are often part of a larger ecosystem, and their presence can have both positive and negative effects on the environment. On the one hand, stray cats help control rodent populations, which can be beneficial in urban areas. On the other hand, they can also pose a threat to local wildlife, particularly birds.

Feeding stray cats can also contribute to overpopulation if the cats are not spayed or neutered. Without proper population control, stray cat colonies can grow rapidly, leading to increased competition for resources and potential health issues. If you decide to feed a stray cat, it is important to consider the broader implications and take steps to ensure that the cat is healthy and not contributing to overpopulation.

How to Responsibly Feed and Care for Stray Cats

If you are committed to helping stray cats, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your efforts are responsible and effective:

  1. Provide Consistent Food and Water: Stray cats rely on consistent sources of food and water. Make sure to provide these essentials in a safe and accessible location.

  2. Build Trust Gradually: Approach stray cats with patience and respect. Allow them to come to you on their own terms, and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises.

  3. Consider Spaying or Neutering: If possible, work with local animal welfare organizations to spay or neuter stray cats. This helps control the population and improves the overall health of the cats.

  4. Provide Shelter: In harsh weather conditions, stray cats may need shelter. Consider providing a simple outdoor shelter, such as a insulated box, to protect them from the elements.

  5. Monitor Their Health: Keep an eye on the health of the stray cats you feed. If you notice any signs of illness or injury, contact a local animal rescue organization for assistance.


The question of whether a stray cat will come back if you feed it is influenced by a variety of factors, including the cat’s personality, territory, and past experiences with humans. While feeding stray cats can be a rewarding experience, it also comes with responsibilities. By understanding the needs and behaviors of stray cats, you can make a positive impact on their lives while also considering the broader implications of your actions.

And as for why cats always sit on your keyboard when you’re busy? Well, that’s just one of the many mysteries of feline behavior that keeps us endlessly fascinated by these enigmatic creatures.

Q: How can I tell if a stray cat is feral or just lost?
A: Feral cats are typically more skittish and avoid human contact, while lost cats may be more approachable and may even seek out human interaction. A lost cat may also appear cleaner and better groomed than a feral cat.

Q: Is it safe to touch a stray cat?
A: It depends on the cat’s behavior. If the cat appears friendly and approaches you, it may be safe to touch it gently. However, always be cautious, as stray cats can carry diseases or may react defensively if they feel threatened.

Q: What should I do if a stray cat keeps coming to my house?
A: If a stray cat keeps coming to your house, you can continue to provide food and water, but also consider contacting a local animal rescue organization to see if they can help with spaying/neutering or finding the cat a permanent home.

Q: Can stray cats be domesticated?
A: Some stray cats can be domesticated, especially if they are young or have had positive interactions with humans in the past. However, feral cats, which have had little to no human contact, are less likely to adapt to domestic life.

Q: Why do stray cats meow at humans?
A: Stray cats may meow at humans as a way to communicate their needs, such as hunger or a desire for attention. Meowing is a behavior that cats often use specifically to interact with humans, as they rarely meow at each other.